One of our less traditional but highly successful experiments, has been introducing Anecdote Circles to our clients experiencing change.
Going beyond an interview or survey, Anecdote Circles create space for conversation and stories. They are an essential element to sense making during change.
With less structure than our usual interventions, they account for the complex and messy nature of our businesses, and our humanity.
Anecdote Circles also remove the element of interviewer or facilitator predetermination (no matter how well-intentioned!). They allow the participants themselves to determine their own meaning, and create a space for exploration. No matter what kind of project you are working on, you can find out what your users think with the Anecdote Circles method.
Anecdote Circles aren't just a data-gathering activity, they can also be a change intervention in themselves, creating unexpected momentum.
Think you'd like to know more about sense making with Anecdote Circles? Why not give this method a try for yourself?