Timbs and Co passed a milestone in the March - we reached our second birthday - and it's a day I had some mixed emotions about.

Lots of small businesses never make it this far, so I'm so proud of myself and the business I created and have grown over the past two years.
I've got a team I trust, fantastic clients and I'm in a space where I feel I can shape the work we do and choose the people we work with. That is an enormous privilege and not something I could say even 12 months ago.
Along the way I've let go of some people who started by my side. Some have gone on to great things, with amazing projects and achievements to be proud of and I'm so grateful for their contribution and sad to have seen them move on.
Some I consciously chose to move on, even though I thought they would be with me always, as core team members and collaborators. The changing of relationships feels tidal - regular and yet always reshaping. The people we are close to in one season can be strangers the next. But so it is. I've no regrets in the choices and changes I've made, and I'm sure other amazing people will come and go through the business in the seasons ahead.
The changing of relationships feels tidal - regular and yet always reshaping. The people we are close to in one season can be strangers the next.
Any business owner who tells you they are not tired at least most of the time is lying! Being in business is the hardest job I've ever had, and the most work I've ever invested into anything professionally. Time, energy, ingenuity, care and sweat are what have powered this business since day one.
Every day it's up to me to make it happen. And it just keeps happening, with more clients, more team members, and more partners, mentors, coaches, collaborators, colleagues, supporters, connections, playmates, conspirators, assistants, associates and comrades in arms. When I started Timbs and Co, the "Co" was literally no-one and now it's so many people - in so many ways! Ways that are fulfilling, and mind-expanding, and rewarding and enriching.
When I started Timbs and Co, the "Co" was literally no-one. Now it's so many people - in so many ways! Ways that are fulfilling, and mind-expanding, and rewarding and enriching.
To my family, my team, my clients, my people everywhere who are cheering me on and lifting me up, and sharing their thoughts, love, energy, ideas and sheer life force - thank you.
Timbs and Co turning two is a huge milestone - bring on the next two, twenty-two, whatever is to come!