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Change v Changing - what's the difference?

You might notice in much of our writing and speaking at Timbs and Co, we refer to 'changing' rather than 'change' or 'change management'.

There' a few reasons for that, and our clients and partners are often curious to find out why.

Picture of woman looking quizzical with heading "managing a change is a bit arse about - let's start to get the right way up'

Mostly we feel it's all about arse about.

Firstly, to talk about 'change' as if it's a finite thing with a clear beginning and end, we feel, is failing to understand that people, organisations and our world are shifting and changing always. And should and must continue changing. The idea of 'freezing' or 'pausing', or reaching an end point of change is frankly naïve in todays world.

No matter what you are working on, or who you are working with, you come to those people and that place as they are changing. Perhaps you are asking for more changing to take place, but -make no mistake - there is always changing already underway.

Secondly, one of the key areas we work in is learning to support changing. Notice that when we talk about learning it is the verb not the noun that we use (well technically a present participle as part of the continuous form of the verb but let's not get too grammatically focused!). If I said to you "I'm here to manage the learn" it would be ridiculous, and yet that's exactly how we express our apparent management of 'change'.

We treat learning as it should be treated - a continuous and evolving human effort, not a one off event. A verb that we do, not a noun that is. Yet change doesn't get that same treatment despite being a deeply human endeavour.

But after really thinking about what it means and how it represents what I do, I do believe, and we at Timbs and Co are committed to, showing up in a different way and going beyond traditional Change Management.

Now we still use the term Change Management and still talk about change, but we are always looking to help our clients and partners think more about how they can be equipped and capable everyday for whatever comes.

What do you think about the notion of Changing v Change? Should we adjust our services even further an call it Changing Design or are we getting into the realm of pedant?

Leave your comments below and share your view!

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